共為你找到:200筆fucker women all taiwan 相關企業資訊
N BRIEF HORNSONIC has launched the professional OEM / ODM of loudspeakers(driver units) range for Hi-Fi , PA , Car , multimedia , etc. onto market since 1985. Today we comprise three plants which are located in Taiwan , China , Indonesia, with three regional offices separately in Taiwan , USA and Hong Kong in handling global sales and distribution. 95% of the turnover is for export worldwide-Japan , USA , Europe , Australia , Asia , etc. In its facility area of about 35,000 square meters and approx 1.8 million pieces of loudspeakers (driver units)can be manufactured monthly . All the production is implemented under ISO 9000 to keep the quality in good manners. The people who in HORNSONIC research center with the advanced facilities and equipment are often enthusiasts , with many years of experience in meeting customers s changing demands and the very expertise to ensure that everything is properly set up to deliver the best performance. 1991 - Hornsonic International Corp.-headquarters in Taiwan 1985 - Hurng Yin Electronic Co., Ltd - Taiwan plant. 1989 - Humg Yin Electomic(HK) Co., Ltd - HK office. 1998 - Hera International Inc. - USA office. 2000 - H&Y ELECTRONICS SDN - BHD. YOU REQUIRE IT WE LL HAVE IT !! HORNSONIC INTERNATIONAL CORP. Head Office : 12F , No . 333-335 , Wen-Hsin Road , Ku-Shan Dist., Kaohsiung , Taiwan. Tel : 886-7-553-1626~8 Fax : 886-7-553-0701 Email : [email protected]
全球最大團購網GROUPON, 2008年在美國芝加哥創立,不到七個月就獲利,僅1年半,Groupon創造了13.5億美元估值的財富傳奇。兩年內員工迅速增加到1,600人、年營收20億,近來創造了新網路傳奇,更是團購網站的鼻祖。 Groupon擁有經營團購網站最豐富的經驗和先進的理念,「以穩定速度在全球各地拓展業務」,從2009年120名員工與30個城市據點,拓展到2010年4000名員工與565個城市據點,在亞洲與歐洲的併購案擴大了Groupon企業版圖。在香港、新加坡和台灣等地區,分別收購uBuyiBuy、Beeconomic、Atlaspost。美國以外的海外分公司佔去年總收益2.85億美元,海外員工佔總數四分之三。 創辦人梅森(Andrew Mason)說:「明年這個時候,我們若不成為定義這個世代、最響亮的科技公司品牌,就是成為別人追隨仿效的對象。」 「Groupon不同於我以往見過的任何公司」,萊夫科夫斯基說:「我以前參與過一些高增長的科技企業。原以為我已見識過超高速增長,但這卻是超高速增長的平方。」 Groupon是「Group」(團體)和「coupon」(折價券)的複合字,每天只賣一樣產品或服務、每人每天限拍一次,結合網友力量,達到以量制價的團購效果,但如果在一定時間內未滿最低團購人數,便無法得到優惠價格,取消交易。 國內社群網站「地圖日記」,2010年12月被Groupon併購,正式換上GROUPON的新裝,成為Groupon台灣分公司「Groupon Taiwan」,鎖定在吃、喝、玩樂及電影票券等商品,消費者列印出來就可以持券到店消費。 「Groupon Taiwan」目前除了台北之外,在全省各縣市成立據點,包括桃園、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、宜蘭、基隆等地陸續拓展業務。
All Hair 開幕4年 時間 一直秉持著做到最好的精神 讓所有的顧客都能擁有最專案的服務及技術和出色的環境。 如果您也有 堅持理想 決不輕易放棄的堅持 歡迎您的加入
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
DNV Energy is a leading professional service provider in safeguarding and improving business performance, assisting energy companies along the entire value chain from concept selection through exploration, production, transportation, refining and distribution. We have a firm base in DNV’s strong technological competencies, international experience and unique independence as a foundation. Our main service areas include asset risk management; qualification and verification, which are extensively utilized in both onshore and offshore oil gas sectors. Energy Taiwan is seeking to grow by at least 20% in terms of revenue and manning for next year, and have ambitious plan for the next 5 years.
Digital Frontier (Taiwan) 為Digital Frontier的台灣子公司. Digital Frontier 公司成立於2000年,總公司位於日本東京目黑區. 現有員工超過200人. 另外擁有全亞洲最大最先進的動捕工作室. 主要業務為電影,遊戲動畫等相關製作. Digital Frontier 以高畫質,高品質電影,遊戲動畫聞名業界並有許多聞名的代表作品. 電影方面有: Gantz, 死亡筆記, 夏日大作戰, 蘋果核戰,Biohazard Degeneration 等 遊戲方面有: 白騎士物語, 鐵拳, 鬼武者, 如龍, 特工諜影4(Metal Gear Solid4),失落的奧德塞(Lost Odyssey)等. 如果您對從事參與電影, 遊戲相關大作有興趣.並希望您的名字能在電影院呈現在觀眾的眼前並對動畫遊戲充滿熱誠. 那我們歡迎您的加入,相信您將在我們公司找到歸屬感以及成就感.
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
Container Trading / 2nd Hand Tire Trading / Freight Forwarding Korean Management Small Company / Wonderful Future Good Sky Taiwan Co.,Ltd
We manufactures and markets a diverse Computer Peripherals including Keyboards, Mice, Hubs and Laptop Cooling Stands as well since 2001. The Company is sales-leading in overseas with manufacturing sites in Taiwan and China. Many of our products enhance product portability and manufacturing simplicity. Factory covers an area of twenty thousand square meters and Shenzhen factory covers an area of ten thousand square meters. Our group has 60 units of injection molding machine, 20 units of mould equipment, 6 units of laser printing machine, 12 units of silk printing machine, 16 assembly lines, as well as many other equipments including wave soldering machine which can fulfill no-lead production. We produced 240K wired keyboards, 300K mice, and 200K RF 2.4G keyboards and mouse combo sets monthly. With strong R&D capability, well experience in quality management and advanced ERP management system, our company is the ideal partner for all customers.
Jones Lang LaSalle Taiwan was founded in 2001 after a local property-consulting firm Investec (Taiwan), joined Jones Lang LaSalle to become Jones Lang LaSalle, Taiwan. Investec was established in 1980 and rose to become an industry leader, offering a broad range of real estate consulting services. Investec consulted for most of Taiwan’s major companies and conglomerates as well as many international firms. Now with the broad reach and extensive international experience of Jones Lang LaSalle, the Taiwan office is able to offer its clients more services as well as a truly global network to support their investments and operations.
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